Put July 4th on your calendars, more Tea Parties are in the works. Be sure to sign up on the various websites (let me know if you need links), Facebook, Twitter, etc. so you can keep up with the latest.
We need to make the next round so big, so good, so loud that they can't minimize us.
I'm going to put a yard sign of a tea bag in my front yard.
If you can't be at the tea party, show your support:
Tea bag decals in the back window of your vehicle (unless your in lib-land and your car will be trashed).
Tea bag earrings.
Tea bag purses.
Get creative.
Let's make a fashion statement AND a value statement at the same time.
Here's an idea I had for the July 4th Tea Party:
Give those who can't come an opportunity to make a sign with their names on them. Have them sent or delivered to one of the coordinators of the area Tea Party. Post the signs in an area (if stakes are allowed, stick 'em in the ground) or have a wall to put the signs on...
Can you imagine the visual of having thousands of people with signs AND having a field or wall covered with signs by those who couldn't make it to the Tea Party?
I know my creative tea party organizing friends can get real creative in this area!
Make a "Tea Party Park" for the signs! My sign is hanging in the garage so everyone can see it...
I'm so ready for the next tea party. Still bouncing on the energy, knowing that there are so many in my area (Atlanta) who are fighting the good fight.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Short Update
We have a number of pending new memberships on the Read My Lipstick Network and the new Completely Conservative Network. I've had family stuff going on for the past few weeks, along with a few work issues, that have kept me from checking in over here other than briefly. My friends who help out have been similarly challenged for various reasons (health, operation, etc., seems like we all hit a wall at the same time!).
I think by next week I'll be back to normal and back here as normal.
If anyone is good with code, I'm having an issue with trying to figure out why the blogroll code for Completely Conservative isn't displaying properly. I've studied it, compared it to the RMLN code until I'm cross-eyed and can't figure it out. Let me know if you have experience with html, flash, whatever code. I'm a basic type, know enough to be dangerous...
Changing subjects again... Is anyone as overwhelmed as I am with all the horrific crud that is happening? Our country is being weakened, our values undermined, our principals trashed. The foundation of all that is right and true is being slammed daily with Obama's sledge hammers. All I can do is fight and pray.
I think by next week I'll be back to normal and back here as normal.
If anyone is good with code, I'm having an issue with trying to figure out why the blogroll code for Completely Conservative isn't displaying properly. I've studied it, compared it to the RMLN code until I'm cross-eyed and can't figure it out. Let me know if you have experience with html, flash, whatever code. I'm a basic type, know enough to be dangerous...
Changing subjects again... Is anyone as overwhelmed as I am with all the horrific crud that is happening? Our country is being weakened, our values undermined, our principals trashed. The foundation of all that is right and true is being slammed daily with Obama's sledge hammers. All I can do is fight and pray.
Magnify Your Efforts
You all know that Obama has filled his Cabinet with people with ethical challenges. They fly through without any major challenges. It seems that we are fighting against the wind as we write, call, fax our opposition to the many actions by Obama, Pelosi, Reid and friends.
I have a suggestion. Rather than JUST sending petitions to Washington D.C. and contacting our elected representatives, let's also contact every media outlet we can imagine. Not just this time, but every time you have a concern.
If you call your Senator, call the local news stations, too. If you write your Congressman, write every media outlet you can find (radio, television, newspaper, etc.). Duplicate everything you do ten-fold.
They're saying the opposition isn't there. They're ignoring our pleas for ethical representation. They're treating us like pesky flies that can be swatted away. Let's show them.
Magnify everything you do.
Get the addresses for every media outlet you can find and make sure you copy them when you send your letters. Get the email addresses of every national and local news outlet you can dig up and copy them on every email you send in protest.
Let's overwhelm them. Let's make it impossible for them to ignore us or swat us away.
(I just posted the above on my main personal blog, Barracuda Babes. Figured I'd share it with a few more of my friends on here)
I have a suggestion. Rather than JUST sending petitions to Washington D.C. and contacting our elected representatives, let's also contact every media outlet we can imagine. Not just this time, but every time you have a concern.
If you call your Senator, call the local news stations, too. If you write your Congressman, write every media outlet you can find (radio, television, newspaper, etc.). Duplicate everything you do ten-fold.
They're saying the opposition isn't there. They're ignoring our pleas for ethical representation. They're treating us like pesky flies that can be swatted away. Let's show them.
Magnify everything you do.
Get the addresses for every media outlet you can find and make sure you copy them when you send your letters. Get the email addresses of every national and local news outlet you can dig up and copy them on every email you send in protest.
Let's overwhelm them. Let's make it impossible for them to ignore us or swat us away.
(I just posted the above on my main personal blog, Barracuda Babes. Figured I'd share it with a few more of my friends on here)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Slide show from Atlanta Tea Party
Time has gotten away from me --- I have video from the Tea Party but haven't had a chance to move it to the computer, much less edit it all. So, I grabbed a bunch of the photos I took and put together a slide show. Nothing fancy.
That's not me in the photo, just thought it was cool. I may have to dress up for the July 4th Tea Party!
Here's the link if you'd like to see the photos:
Here's the link if you'd like to see the photos:
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tea Party Mania
What a day yesterday! Locally we had a small noon-time Tax Day Tea Party in Peachtree City that attracted somewhere between 400 - 500. Not bad for a small town. I headed downtown for the Atlanta Tea Party. The energy was fantastic. I was right behind Sean Hannity which was very cool. I got to see Joe the Plumber, John Rich and others fairly closely. Two different stages were set up, one for the non-TV speakers, one for Fox News / Sean Hannity Show.
I've been watching the news, which I usually try not to do given the blatant bias. I'm sure you've all heard Pelosi's sneering disdain and Gibbs' belittling comments. Arrgggg... Then there's the complete misrepresentation by the mainstream media of the numbers who turned out. One reporter practically attacked someone she was interviewing (I just heard about that one, guess I'll have to scan the blogs to find out more).
Here in Atlanta we had over 15,000 peaceful tea baggers. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported we had a thousand at the same time we were making the 10,000 mark. Today's paper says thousands showed up avoiding the numbers. Typical, typical.
Ah well. Sometimes I wish I subscribed to some of these msn newspapers and magazines just so I could cancel.
One thing that is coming through loud and clear reading Homeland Security's description of a home-grown terrorist, seeing the coverage of events like the Tea Party, hearing comments by White House spokepersons... they are trying to paint us into an ugly corner.
More and more of us are going to be needed to ensure that they don't and can't stop the peaceful dissent. We watch. We vote. We need to do more. We need to continue to network and learn to work together.
I'll be sharing photos and videos on the Fayette Front Page (.com) and our Read My Lipstick Network website. If you have photos you'd like to share from your Tea Party, please email in jpg format. Love to have 'em!
(I was going to share some photos, but blogger is acting up... maybe later).
Here's my early morning post in one of my blogs:
One word for Atlanta Tea Party: Wow!
One word to describe it in the title, but a lot more in this short post! I'm one tired puppy right now but I had to share as I guzzle my morning caffeine. We had a blast yesterday at the Atlanta Tea Party. I didn't get home until close to midnight, then I had to watch the midnight Hannity repeat to see what I'd missed! Yawn and double yawn...
I've been watching the news, which I usually try not to do given the blatant bias. I'm sure you've all heard Pelosi's sneering disdain and Gibbs' belittling comments. Arrgggg... Then there's the complete misrepresentation by the mainstream media of the numbers who turned out. One reporter practically attacked someone she was interviewing (I just heard about that one, guess I'll have to scan the blogs to find out more).
Here in Atlanta we had over 15,000 peaceful tea baggers. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported we had a thousand at the same time we were making the 10,000 mark. Today's paper says thousands showed up avoiding the numbers. Typical, typical.
Ah well. Sometimes I wish I subscribed to some of these msn newspapers and magazines just so I could cancel.
One thing that is coming through loud and clear reading Homeland Security's description of a home-grown terrorist, seeing the coverage of events like the Tea Party, hearing comments by White House spokepersons... they are trying to paint us into an ugly corner.
More and more of us are going to be needed to ensure that they don't and can't stop the peaceful dissent. We watch. We vote. We need to do more. We need to continue to network and learn to work together.
I'll be sharing photos and videos on the Fayette Front Page (.com) and our Read My Lipstick Network website. If you have photos you'd like to share from your Tea Party, please email in jpg format. Love to have 'em!
(I was going to share some photos, but blogger is acting up... maybe later).
Here's my early morning post in one of my blogs:
One word for Atlanta Tea Party: Wow!
One word to describe it in the title, but a lot more in this short post! I'm one tired puppy right now but I had to share as I guzzle my morning caffeine. We had a blast yesterday at the Atlanta Tea Party. I didn't get home until close to midnight, then I had to watch the midnight Hannity repeat to see what I'd missed! Yawn and double yawn...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Prayer Warriors for Sarah Palin
Randy Highsmith sent me an email invite to join Prayer Warriors for Sarah Palin, a new Ning site. I wanted to share with all of you because I know we have some very committed prayer warriors in our group!
"Prayer Warriors are committed to pray for Sarah Palin to Walk in God's Wisdom and His Perfect Will in the name of Christ Jesus. Prayer Warriors promise to pray for Sarah Palin in the name of Jesus. We are committed to praying for Sarah to Walk in God's Wisdom and His Perfect Will. We pray a hedge of protection, a wall of fire around about her and her family and we plead the blood of the Lamb over them on a daily basis. Pray for her: Family, Health, Home, Safety, Favor with others, and Boldness."
http://prayerwarriorsforsarahpalin.ning.com/ If you do decide to join, there's a space where you note how you heard about the group --- I'd appreciate the mention of RMLN.
"Prayer Warriors are committed to pray for Sarah Palin to Walk in God's Wisdom and His Perfect Will in the name of Christ Jesus. Prayer Warriors promise to pray for Sarah Palin in the name of Jesus. We are committed to praying for Sarah to Walk in God's Wisdom and His Perfect Will. We pray a hedge of protection, a wall of fire around about her and her family and we plead the blood of the Lamb over them on a daily basis. Pray for her: Family, Health, Home, Safety, Favor with others, and Boldness."
http://prayerwarriorsforsarahpalin.ning.com/ If you do decide to join, there's a space where you note how you heard about the group --- I'd appreciate the mention of RMLN.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sarah Palin in the News
News Google chose to highlight:
Legislators blame Palin for deteriorating relationship
Juneau Empire - Juneau,AK,USA
Sarah Palin is increasingly finding herself at odds with leaders of her own party in the Alaska Legislature. At the same time, Democrats who once backed the ...
Palin denies saying Begich should resign
Juneau Empire - Juneau,AK,USA
Sarah Palin on Friday denied asking Sen. Mark Begich to resign from his seat after criminal convictions against former Sen. Ted Stevens were thrown out. ...
Stimulus funds pending as Legislature winds down
Anchorage Daily News - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin and lawmakers over taking federal economic stimulus money is the dominant issue left. In fact, legislative leaders don't seem intent on doing a ...
Meeting Moller: An interview with Gov. Palin’s rural adviser
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Sarah Palin’s rural adviser at the end of January, believes the time is right — and in fact, critical — to shift the balance to a positive future. ...
Palin expresses concern over missile defense budget cuts
KTUU - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin. A proposal made by the secretary of defense would cut $1.4 billion from the agency. In a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, ...
Railbelt utility legislation on hold
KTUU - Anchorage,AK,US
ASarah Palin's legislation to bring Railbelt utilities under one umbrella is on hold until next year. Palin's energy advisor, Joe Balash, says that the ...
Palin suggests cutting state spending and replacing it with $250 ...
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
By Dermot Cole Gov., Sarah Palin said she disagrees with the Republican and Democratic legislators who assert that they can find no major "strings" attached ...
Sarah Palin Versus Levi Johnston
The Exception Magazine - Portland,ME,USA
By Exception Staff April 11, 2009 The drama between Alaska Governor (and potential GOP Presidential candidate) Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston, who fathered ...
Kurtz: Should media steer clear of Palin-Johnston saga?
CNN International - USA
... ex-boyfriend -- not because I'm particularly fascinated by the ex-boyfriend, mind you, but because Sarah Palin had just ripped Levi Johnston apart. ...
Palin says she didn't call for Begich to resign
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Sarah Palin says she wasn't calling on Sen. Mark Begich to resign when she said she agreed with a statement by state GOP chairman Randy Ruedrich. ...
Palin on judicial appointment process: 'There may be reasonable ...
Anchorage Daily News - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin's selection of a new justice for the Alaska Supreme Court last month proved controversial, the governor agreed to a live interview about the ...
Eminem takes shot at Sarah Palin in new video
Toledo Blade - Toledo,OH,USA
Blowhards like Bill O'Reilly are getting their noses bent out of shape over Em's spoofs, this time of Sarah Palin, among others. His video for "We Made You" ...
Disparaging remarks about gays won't kill Palin's AG pick
MiamiHerald.com - Miami,FL,USA
Sarah Palin's appointee for attorney general, Wayne Anthony Ross, on Friday about his calling gays "degenerates," and heard Ross fire back against a claim ...
Senate Democrats reject another Palin pick
Anchorage Daily News - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin's choice to fill the empty seat in the state Senate. And it's causing tension within the Democratic ranks, with senators Lyman Hoffman and Donny ...
Palin says she never asked Begich to resign
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Sarah Palin stepped back from an earlier call for US Sen. Mark Begich to resign pending a fresh election after a federal judge dropped charges against ...
Palin's attorney general pick under fire
KTVA CBS 11 News Alaska - Anchorage,AK,USA
"I'm posing the question to you General," Ramras responded. "I don't know all the facts. But I will tell you Sarah Palin, when she gets national exposure, ...
Palin approves of Mat-Su capital budget cuts
KTUU - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin has been an ongoing source of speculation, and a move Thursday from the Senate Finance Committee turned some heads when the committee released a ...
All Banquet Attendees Will See Palin in Person
WTVW - Evansville,IN,USA
Everybody attending next week's right to life banquet in Evansville will get the chance to see Sarah Palin in person. Some people attending the banquet are ...
Legislators blame Palin for deteriorating relationship
Juneau Empire - Juneau,AK,USA
Sarah Palin is increasingly finding herself at odds with leaders of her own party in the Alaska Legislature. At the same time, Democrats who once backed the ...
Palin denies saying Begich should resign
Juneau Empire - Juneau,AK,USA
Sarah Palin on Friday denied asking Sen. Mark Begich to resign from his seat after criminal convictions against former Sen. Ted Stevens were thrown out. ...
Stimulus funds pending as Legislature winds down
Anchorage Daily News - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin and lawmakers over taking federal economic stimulus money is the dominant issue left. In fact, legislative leaders don't seem intent on doing a ...
Meeting Moller: An interview with Gov. Palin’s rural adviser
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Sarah Palin’s rural adviser at the end of January, believes the time is right — and in fact, critical — to shift the balance to a positive future. ...
Palin expresses concern over missile defense budget cuts
KTUU - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin. A proposal made by the secretary of defense would cut $1.4 billion from the agency. In a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, ...
Railbelt utility legislation on hold
KTUU - Anchorage,AK,US
ASarah Palin's legislation to bring Railbelt utilities under one umbrella is on hold until next year. Palin's energy advisor, Joe Balash, says that the ...
Palin suggests cutting state spending and replacing it with $250 ...
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
By Dermot Cole Gov., Sarah Palin said she disagrees with the Republican and Democratic legislators who assert that they can find no major "strings" attached ...
Sarah Palin Versus Levi Johnston
The Exception Magazine - Portland,ME,USA
By Exception Staff April 11, 2009 The drama between Alaska Governor (and potential GOP Presidential candidate) Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston, who fathered ...
Kurtz: Should media steer clear of Palin-Johnston saga?
CNN International - USA
... ex-boyfriend -- not because I'm particularly fascinated by the ex-boyfriend, mind you, but because Sarah Palin had just ripped Levi Johnston apart. ...
Palin says she didn't call for Begich to resign
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Sarah Palin says she wasn't calling on Sen. Mark Begich to resign when she said she agreed with a statement by state GOP chairman Randy Ruedrich. ...
Palin on judicial appointment process: 'There may be reasonable ...
Anchorage Daily News - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin's selection of a new justice for the Alaska Supreme Court last month proved controversial, the governor agreed to a live interview about the ...
Eminem takes shot at Sarah Palin in new video
Toledo Blade - Toledo,OH,USA
Blowhards like Bill O'Reilly are getting their noses bent out of shape over Em's spoofs, this time of Sarah Palin, among others. His video for "We Made You" ...
Disparaging remarks about gays won't kill Palin's AG pick
MiamiHerald.com - Miami,FL,USA
Sarah Palin's appointee for attorney general, Wayne Anthony Ross, on Friday about his calling gays "degenerates," and heard Ross fire back against a claim ...
Senate Democrats reject another Palin pick
Anchorage Daily News - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin's choice to fill the empty seat in the state Senate. And it's causing tension within the Democratic ranks, with senators Lyman Hoffman and Donny ...
Palin says she never asked Begich to resign
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Sarah Palin stepped back from an earlier call for US Sen. Mark Begich to resign pending a fresh election after a federal judge dropped charges against ...
Palin's attorney general pick under fire
KTVA CBS 11 News Alaska - Anchorage,AK,USA
"I'm posing the question to you General," Ramras responded. "I don't know all the facts. But I will tell you Sarah Palin, when she gets national exposure, ...
Palin approves of Mat-Su capital budget cuts
KTUU - Anchorage,AK,USA
Sarah Palin has been an ongoing source of speculation, and a move Thursday from the Senate Finance Committee turned some heads when the committee released a ...
All Banquet Attendees Will See Palin in Person
WTVW - Evansville,IN,USA
Everybody attending next week's right to life banquet in Evansville will get the chance to see Sarah Palin in person. Some people attending the banquet are ...
Article re: Sarah Palin, Alaska, Stimulus Money
Stimulus funds pending as Legislature winds down
With just one week left before the Alaska Legislature adjourns for the year, the conflict between Gov. Sarah Palin and lawmakers over taking federal economic stimulus money is the dominant issue left.
With just one week left before the Alaska Legislature adjourns for the year, the conflict between Gov. Sarah Palin and lawmakers over taking federal economic stimulus money is the dominant issue left.
“Over My Dead Body”- Sarah Palin Dispelling Levi Johnston’s Claim of Living With Bristol Palin
P.U.M.A. post:
“Over My Dead Body”- Sarah Palin Dispelling Levi Johnston’s Claim of Living With Bristol Palin
Posted: 10 Apr 2009 06:15 PM PDT
Glad to know Sarah is calling it as it is. Shameful that Levi Johnston would go on national television to speak ill of his child’s maternal lineage, but what can one do? ADN In response to a question from a television reporter, Palin also talked about some of the ongoing drama surrounding her family. Levi Johnston [...]
“Over My Dead Body”- Sarah Palin Dispelling Levi Johnston’s Claim of Living With Bristol Palin
Posted: 10 Apr 2009 06:15 PM PDT
Glad to know Sarah is calling it as it is. Shameful that Levi Johnston would go on national television to speak ill of his child’s maternal lineage, but what can one do? ADN In response to a question from a television reporter, Palin also talked about some of the ongoing drama surrounding her family. Levi Johnston [...]
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Obama's Easter / Passover message for your blogging pleasure...
If I knew it wouldn't drive you crazy, I'd have the Beatles "Come Together" - right now - playing as you read this... oh, shoot, I can't completely resist, the video is below the speech, you can click it and have it playing while you read the message if you choose :-) Lest you think I don't want the world to come together, let me correct that impression. I'm just not overly inspired by this Easter / Passover message.
President Obama Says Nations Must Unite To Overcome Global Challenges
In his weekly address, President Barack Obama extended his best wishes to everyone celebrating this week’s Passover and Easter holidays and called on nations around the world to come together to solve the current trials facing the world. On the heels of his weeklong trip overseas, the President said he believes it is important to acknowledge no single nation can solve global problems like a recession, international terrorism, climate change, or nuclear proliferation. But, working with other nations, the United States can lead the way in overcoming these challenges.
Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I speak to you today during a time that is holy and filled with meaning for believers around the world. Earlier this week, Jewish people gathered with family and friends to recite the stories of their ancestors’ struggle and ultimate liberation. Tomorrow, Christians of all denominations will come together to rejoice and remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
These are two very different holidays with their own very different traditions. But it seems fitting that we mark them both during the same week. For in a larger sense, they are both moments of reflection and renewal. They are both occasions to think more deeply about the obligations we have to ourselves and the obligations we have to one another, no matter who we are, where we come from, or what faith we practice.
This idea – that we are all bound up, as Martin Luther King once said, in "a single garment of destiny"– is a lesson of all the world’s great religions. And never has it been more important for us to reaffirm that lesson than it is today – at a time when we face tests and trials unlike any we have seen in our time. An economic crisis that recognizes no borders. Violent extremism that’s claimed the lives of innocent men, women, and children from Manhattan to Mumbai. An unsustainable dependence on foreign oil and other sources of energy that pollute our air and water and threaten our planet. The proliferation of the world’s most dangerous weapons, the persistence of deadly disease, and the recurrence of age-old conflicts.
These are challenges that no single nation, no matter how powerful, can confront alone. The United States must lead the way. But our best chance to solve these unprecedented problems comes from acting in concert with other nations. That is why I met with leaders of the G-20 nations to ensure that the world’s largest economies take strong and unified action in the face of the global economic crisis. Together, we’ve taken steps to stimulate growth, restore the flow of credit, open markets, and dramatically reform our financial regulatory system to prevent such crises from occurring again – steps that will lead to job creation at home.
It is only by working together that we will finally defeat 21st century security threats like al Qaeda. So it was heartening that our NATO allies united in Strasbourg behind our strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and contributed important resources to support our effort there.
It is only by coordinating with countries around the world that we will stop the spread of the world’s most dangerous weapons. That is why I laid out a strategy in Prague for us to work with Russia and other nations to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons; to secure nuclear materials from terrorists; and, ultimately, to free the world from the menace of a nuclear nightmare.
And it is only by building a new foundation of mutual trust that we will tackle some of our most entrenched problems. That is why, in Turkey, I spoke to members of Parliament and university students about rising above the barriers of race, region, and religion that too often divide us.
With all that is at stake today, we cannot afford to talk past one another. We can’t afford to allow old differences to prevent us from making progress in areas of common concern. We can’t afford to let walls of mistrust stand. Instead, we have to find – and build on – our mutual interests. For it is only when people come together, and seek common ground, that some of that mistrust can begin to fade. And that is where progress begins.
Make no mistake: we live in a dangerous world, and we must be strong and vigilant in the face of these threats. But let us not allow whatever differences we have with other nations to stop us from coming together around those solutions that are essential to our survival and success.
As we celebrate Passover, Easter, and this time of renewal, let’s find strength in our shared resolve and purpose in our common aspirations. And if we can do that, then not only will we fulfill the sacred meaning of these holy days, but we will fulfill the promise of our country as a leader around the world.
President Obama Says Nations Must Unite To Overcome Global Challenges
In his weekly address, President Barack Obama extended his best wishes to everyone celebrating this week’s Passover and Easter holidays and called on nations around the world to come together to solve the current trials facing the world. On the heels of his weeklong trip overseas, the President said he believes it is important to acknowledge no single nation can solve global problems like a recession, international terrorism, climate change, or nuclear proliferation. But, working with other nations, the United States can lead the way in overcoming these challenges.
Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I speak to you today during a time that is holy and filled with meaning for believers around the world. Earlier this week, Jewish people gathered with family and friends to recite the stories of their ancestors’ struggle and ultimate liberation. Tomorrow, Christians of all denominations will come together to rejoice and remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
These are two very different holidays with their own very different traditions. But it seems fitting that we mark them both during the same week. For in a larger sense, they are both moments of reflection and renewal. They are both occasions to think more deeply about the obligations we have to ourselves and the obligations we have to one another, no matter who we are, where we come from, or what faith we practice.
This idea – that we are all bound up, as Martin Luther King once said, in "a single garment of destiny"– is a lesson of all the world’s great religions. And never has it been more important for us to reaffirm that lesson than it is today – at a time when we face tests and trials unlike any we have seen in our time. An economic crisis that recognizes no borders. Violent extremism that’s claimed the lives of innocent men, women, and children from Manhattan to Mumbai. An unsustainable dependence on foreign oil and other sources of energy that pollute our air and water and threaten our planet. The proliferation of the world’s most dangerous weapons, the persistence of deadly disease, and the recurrence of age-old conflicts.
These are challenges that no single nation, no matter how powerful, can confront alone. The United States must lead the way. But our best chance to solve these unprecedented problems comes from acting in concert with other nations. That is why I met with leaders of the G-20 nations to ensure that the world’s largest economies take strong and unified action in the face of the global economic crisis. Together, we’ve taken steps to stimulate growth, restore the flow of credit, open markets, and dramatically reform our financial regulatory system to prevent such crises from occurring again – steps that will lead to job creation at home.
It is only by working together that we will finally defeat 21st century security threats like al Qaeda. So it was heartening that our NATO allies united in Strasbourg behind our strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and contributed important resources to support our effort there.
It is only by coordinating with countries around the world that we will stop the spread of the world’s most dangerous weapons. That is why I laid out a strategy in Prague for us to work with Russia and other nations to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons; to secure nuclear materials from terrorists; and, ultimately, to free the world from the menace of a nuclear nightmare.
And it is only by building a new foundation of mutual trust that we will tackle some of our most entrenched problems. That is why, in Turkey, I spoke to members of Parliament and university students about rising above the barriers of race, region, and religion that too often divide us.
With all that is at stake today, we cannot afford to talk past one another. We can’t afford to allow old differences to prevent us from making progress in areas of common concern. We can’t afford to let walls of mistrust stand. Instead, we have to find – and build on – our mutual interests. For it is only when people come together, and seek common ground, that some of that mistrust can begin to fade. And that is where progress begins.
Make no mistake: we live in a dangerous world, and we must be strong and vigilant in the face of these threats. But let us not allow whatever differences we have with other nations to stop us from coming together around those solutions that are essential to our survival and success.
As we celebrate Passover, Easter, and this time of renewal, let’s find strength in our shared resolve and purpose in our common aspirations. And if we can do that, then not only will we fulfill the sacred meaning of these holy days, but we will fulfill the promise of our country as a leader around the world.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tea Party map via FreedomWorks; sabotage articles via Michelle Malkin
Left wants in on Tea Party action
Get ready for the anti-Tea Party sabotage and smear campaign
Map with locations (4/08/09 - Over 450 events listed!) :
Tea Party website: http://taxdayteaparty.com/
Here are a few stories from around the country:
Fort Bend woman protests government spending by holding tea party
The Boston Tea Party is in the history
CWFF holding a Tea Party April 15
FERNLEY--Citizens Working for Fernley will be holding a Tea Party on April 15 from 2:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m. at City Hall.
Tea party protests coming to Great Falls, Helena
The "Tea Party" movement spreading across the nation is gaining some traction in the Treasure State. A tea party in Kalispell last week drew between 500 and 1,000 people, and now tea parties are scheduled
TEA Party shifted to park
The TEA party in Greenwood is still scheduled to go forward — just not outside City Hall. Cindy Saulter, who is organizing the anti-tax rally, appeared before the City Council Tuesday to request permission to hold the gathering outside Greenwood City Hall on Wednesday, April 15 n tax day
Rowlett residents organize TEA Party to protest taxes
Rowlett residents will join people all across the country on tax day for a rally to protest government spending that they believe is out of control. On April 15, the last day for tax returns to be mailed, Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party rallies will be held in thousands of cities.
Tax Day Tea Party
"it's something that's one of the ways of getting the message out that we do not approve of this tremendous amount of money being spent on the bailout,” said Jeb Filkins, an organizer of the Tax Day Tea Party in Casper.
Tea Party Rally April 15th
Zanesville will be one of 2,000 communities around the country to participate in a Tea Party Rally. Zanesville residents will participate as a part of a national movement to protest government spending.
TEA Party set for April 15 at courthouse
A group of Clark County citizens is organizing a TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party rally on the Clark County Courthouse square at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 15, the day tax returns are to be mailed.
Houston Tea Party Set For Tax Day
HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire - April 8, 2009) - It's a Tea Party -- and it's revolutionary. On Tax Day, Wednesday, April 15, at 4:00 p.m., taxpayers from across Houston and Southeast Texas will gather in downtown Houston at Jones Plaza to protest unprecedented government spending in Washington. Wednesday is the deadline for mailing federal income taxes. Jones Plaza is located in the theater district ...
Get ready for the anti-Tea Party sabotage and smear campaign
Map with locations (4/08/09 - Over 450 events listed!) :
Tea Party website: http://taxdayteaparty.com/
Here are a few stories from around the country:
Fort Bend woman protests government spending by holding tea party
The Boston Tea Party is in the history
CWFF holding a Tea Party April 15
FERNLEY--Citizens Working for Fernley will be holding a Tea Party on April 15 from 2:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m. at City Hall.
Tea party protests coming to Great Falls, Helena
The "Tea Party" movement spreading across the nation is gaining some traction in the Treasure State. A tea party in Kalispell last week drew between 500 and 1,000 people, and now tea parties are scheduled
TEA Party shifted to park
The TEA party in Greenwood is still scheduled to go forward — just not outside City Hall. Cindy Saulter, who is organizing the anti-tax rally, appeared before the City Council Tuesday to request permission to hold the gathering outside Greenwood City Hall on Wednesday, April 15 n tax day
Rowlett residents organize TEA Party to protest taxes
Rowlett residents will join people all across the country on tax day for a rally to protest government spending that they believe is out of control. On April 15, the last day for tax returns to be mailed, Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party rallies will be held in thousands of cities.
Tax Day Tea Party
"it's something that's one of the ways of getting the message out that we do not approve of this tremendous amount of money being spent on the bailout,” said Jeb Filkins, an organizer of the Tax Day Tea Party in Casper.
Tea Party Rally April 15th
Zanesville will be one of 2,000 communities around the country to participate in a Tea Party Rally. Zanesville residents will participate as a part of a national movement to protest government spending.
TEA Party set for April 15 at courthouse
A group of Clark County citizens is organizing a TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party rally on the Clark County Courthouse square at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 15, the day tax returns are to be mailed.
Houston Tea Party Set For Tax Day
HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire - April 8, 2009) - It's a Tea Party -- and it's revolutionary. On Tax Day, Wednesday, April 15, at 4:00 p.m., taxpayers from across Houston and Southeast Texas will gather in downtown Houston at Jones Plaza to protest unprecedented government spending in Washington. Wednesday is the deadline for mailing federal income taxes. Jones Plaza is located in the theater district ...
Thought we'd start doing some blog-abouts, things you may have missed and might want to blog about. We're going to try and find articles and news that are brand new or not getting a lot of attention. We'll be doing them on the Read My Lipstick Network blog and the Completely Conservative Network blog. We won't double post, so there will be different topics on Completely Conservative. Let us know if you find our blogabouts helpful. Send us a blog post where you've used one of our blogabout topics and we'll highlight your blog on here with credit, links, etc., etc.
Here are today's:
AP Newsbreak: Obama looks at climate engineering
The president's new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth's air. John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays. Holdren said such an experimental measure would only be used as a last resort.
It's Obama vs. Palin, and the battle may turn bloody
It's a semi-nude battle of the titans: Barack the Barbarian crosses swords with Red Sarah in a new comic book due out in June.
Holder Replaces Head of Justice Dept.'s Internal Ethics Unit
Attorney general moves to put his stamp on a Justice department still reeling from the dismissal of criminal charges against former senator Ted Stevens and accusations of political motivation during the Bush years.
37% Agree That U.S. Has Shown Arrogance and Been Dismissive of Europe
Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American voters agree that in dealing with its European allies over the years, the United States has shown arrogance, been dismissive, and even derisive.
61% Say A Home is Family's Best Investment, Down 12 Points From February
Confidence in the housing market is down again, with just 61% of Americans now saying that buying a home is the best investment most families can make.
Obama’s Christian Appointee to Faith-Based Program Refutes New Testament Teaching on Homosexuality
(CNSNews.com) – Harry Knox, a professed gay Christian who is director of the religion and faith program at the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual rights group, was named to President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships on Monday. He holds that the New Testament's teaching that homosexual behavior is unnatural and wrong “is not true."
1,050 Officers Sign Letter Urging Obama to Uphold Law Barring Homosexuals from Military
(CNSNews.com) - A letter signed by 1,050 retired military officers, including 47 four-star leaders, requests that a 1993 law banning homosexuals from serving in the U.S. armed services be retained. The letter was delivered to President Barack Obama and Congress last week.
Palin plans to assist Murkowski campaign in 2010
Franken tightens grip on Senate seat, but lawsuit looms
The counting and recounting ends in Minnesota, with Democrat Franken leading Republican Coleman by 312 votes. But Coleman can still appeal the outcome.
Here are today's:
AP Newsbreak: Obama looks at climate engineering
The president's new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth's air. John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays. Holdren said such an experimental measure would only be used as a last resort.
It's Obama vs. Palin, and the battle may turn bloody
It's a semi-nude battle of the titans: Barack the Barbarian crosses swords with Red Sarah in a new comic book due out in June.
Holder Replaces Head of Justice Dept.'s Internal Ethics Unit
Attorney general moves to put his stamp on a Justice department still reeling from the dismissal of criminal charges against former senator Ted Stevens and accusations of political motivation during the Bush years.
37% Agree That U.S. Has Shown Arrogance and Been Dismissive of Europe
Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American voters agree that in dealing with its European allies over the years, the United States has shown arrogance, been dismissive, and even derisive.
61% Say A Home is Family's Best Investment, Down 12 Points From February
Confidence in the housing market is down again, with just 61% of Americans now saying that buying a home is the best investment most families can make.
Obama’s Christian Appointee to Faith-Based Program Refutes New Testament Teaching on Homosexuality
(CNSNews.com) – Harry Knox, a professed gay Christian who is director of the religion and faith program at the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual rights group, was named to President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships on Monday. He holds that the New Testament's teaching that homosexual behavior is unnatural and wrong “is not true."
1,050 Officers Sign Letter Urging Obama to Uphold Law Barring Homosexuals from Military
(CNSNews.com) - A letter signed by 1,050 retired military officers, including 47 four-star leaders, requests that a 1993 law banning homosexuals from serving in the U.S. armed services be retained. The letter was delivered to President Barack Obama and Congress last week.
Palin plans to assist Murkowski campaign in 2010
Franken tightens grip on Senate seat, but lawsuit looms
The counting and recounting ends in Minnesota, with Democrat Franken leading Republican Coleman by 312 votes. But Coleman can still appeal the outcome.
Palin won't challenge Murkowski
thepolitico Politico: Palin won't challenge Murkowski: The decision likely clears the Alaska senator's path to reelection.. http://tinyurl.com/djhlob
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Judge says Stevens prosecution worst he's seen
Judge says Stevens prosecution worst he's seen
A federal judge criticized the government's handling of the Ted Stevens corruption trial this morning as he considered whether to dismiss the conviction that ended the Alaska Republican's 40-year career in the U.S. Senate.
A federal judge criticized the government's handling of the Ted Stevens corruption trial this morning as he considered whether to dismiss the conviction that ended the Alaska Republican's 40-year career in the U.S. Senate.
Blog Name / Location Change
The "Sarah Palin for President" blog is being phased out and "Texas for Sarah Palin" phased in to replace it. (OLD url: http://govpalin4prez.blogspot.com/).
Please change the entry on your blogrolls, links and featured blog lists from "Sarah Palin for President" to "Texas for Sarah Palin":
New blog name: Texas for Sarah Palin
New url: http://texas4palin.blogspot.com/
Thanks much!
Please change the entry on your blogrolls, links and featured blog lists from "Sarah Palin for President" to "Texas for Sarah Palin":
New blog name: Texas for Sarah Palin
New url: http://texas4palin.blogspot.com/
Thanks much!
FRC: Help Protect the Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers
Please submit your comment directly to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) by April 9, 2009 to defend conscience rights for health care workers.
President Barack Obama is proposing regulations to strike or weaken current regulations implemented by then-HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt that protect the conscience rights of health care workers. Congress has passed numerous laws over the past 35 years protecting such rights; however, no regulations had ever been implemented until January 20, 2009 when regulations were put into effect to defend the conscience rights of healthcare workers. These regulations, which President Obama is planning to rescind, would ensure that programs that receive federal funds, including federal, state and local government programs, do not discriminate against health care workers who object to participating in such practices as abortion and sterilization.
We need you to submit comments to HHS in support of these regulations to enforce current law because groups like Planned Parenthood have supplied thousands of comments to HHS asking them to rescind these pro-conscience regulations. The deadline for submitting comments is April 9, 2009.
If possible, describe fully any cases in which you or someone you know has experienced discrimination against your conscience related to a health procedure, including but not limited to the performance of abortion.
Help Protect the Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers
From the Family Research Council, www.frc.org
President Barack Obama is proposing regulations to strike or weaken current regulations implemented by then-HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt that protect the conscience rights of health care workers. Congress has passed numerous laws over the past 35 years protecting such rights; however, no regulations had ever been implemented until January 20, 2009 when regulations were put into effect to defend the conscience rights of healthcare workers. These regulations, which President Obama is planning to rescind, would ensure that programs that receive federal funds, including federal, state and local government programs, do not discriminate against health care workers who object to participating in such practices as abortion and sterilization.
We need you to submit comments to HHS in support of these regulations to enforce current law because groups like Planned Parenthood have supplied thousands of comments to HHS asking them to rescind these pro-conscience regulations. The deadline for submitting comments is April 9, 2009.
If possible, describe fully any cases in which you or someone you know has experienced discrimination against your conscience related to a health procedure, including but not limited to the performance of abortion.
Help Protect the Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers
From the Family Research Council, www.frc.org
RedState Morning Brief: Defense, Palin, Vouchers, Economy plus
Here's another great update I receive that's always chocked full of good info, short (usually), rarely sweet and always to the point. My Sarah Palin friends will appreciate #3. I'm planning on writing about #4 on one of my blogs, grrrrrrrr:
Sign up to get the morning briefing by email here.
1. NYTimes: Obama's Economic Ideas Great... Just Like Hitler's Were?
The New York Times' says Obama and Hitler have GREAT economic plans. So what about that whole Holocaust thing?
For The New York Times economic scene section for March 31, David Leonhardt came across with one of the most amazing admissions about Obama that I've ever seen in the Times. Namely that Barack Obama is just like Hitler. Now, many of you may be solemnly shaking your head in agreement, but in so doing you would be missing why the Times was comparing Obama to Hitler. You see, Leonhardt didn't mean it as an insult. He was saying that it was a good thing that Barack was being like Hitler at least in an economic sense.
Here Leonhardt is taking the trains-on-time track with his Hitler angle by saying that, despite that whole Holocaust and World War II business, Hitler's policies were good for Germany. So good, in fact, that he celebrates the ways he sees that Obama is emulating the mustachioed mad-man's economic prescriptions with the massive takeover of the economy and bloated government spending on "stimulus."
You know the left has lost it when they are invoking the "success" of Hitler to prop up The One!
2. Another Homework Deficiency - Russia Sees Obama's Nuclear-Free Offer As.... A Threat
Homework? Too cool for school....
I don't know about you, but for my entire life whenever I've heard someone prattle about "a world without nuclear weapons," I roll my eyes for at least two reasons. One is the naivete; the other is the practical notion that in such a world, one "kook-with-nuke" would be king.
But it turns out that in Moscow, the Russian leadership sees the Obama offer as something else - yet another move in the game of trying to rein in Russian influence in the world.
In other words, the Kremlin sees this plan as a threat.
3. Levi Johnson Jumps On the Sarah Palin Gravy Train
Anyone else want to make some money off Sarah Palin?
This is Levi Johnson appearing on the Tyra Banks show. He's a clean cut, pretty type. That is, though, a carefully constructed image - constructed by the Palins and McCains as the Presidential campaign unfolded with the news of Bristol Palin's pregnancy.
The real Levi Johnson is something altogether different. The left, when it decided Bristol Palin was fair game, went after Levi Johnson for being a thug and redneck. He was not interested in college - only in scoring with the Governor's daughter. The classic tale of the high school jock who is, in essence, a low life loser in it for a good time. The left and media regaled the rest of us with tales of what a loser the Palin kid slept with.
The left was right. Now, though, they can't be bothered by it. Below is the actual Levi - no preppy clothes. No polish. Just good old boy who knocked up the Governor's daughter. Not exactly the image Tyra Banks and he would like you to think about.
4. Obama Administration defense cuts
He's cutting technologies that will keep us competitive against growing threats from China and Russia
Defense Secretary Robert Gates revealed the Obama Administration's restructuring of the Pentagon's top weapons priorities.
There was a lot of information thrown out in the Gates press briefing, but the biggest talking points are likely to be the cuts:
Stop the growth of Army Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) at 45 versus 48
Retire 250 of the oldest Air Force tactical fighter aircraft in FY10.
End production of the F-22 fighter at 187.
Not pursue a development program for a follow-on Air Force bomber until we have a better understanding of the need, the requirement, and the technology.
Reduce the Navy's carrier force to 10 carriers after 2040.
Delay the CG-X next generation cruiser program.
Delay amphibious ship and sea-basing programs.
End the DDG-1000 destroyer program with the third ship.
"Complete" production of the C-17 airlifter program this fiscal year with the 205 already in the force and currently in production.
Terminate the VH-71 presidential helicopter program.
Terminate the Air Force Combat Search and Rescue X (CSAR-X) helicopter program.
Terminate the $26 billion Transformational Satellite (TSAT) program.
Cancel the planned increase the number of current ground-based interceptors in Alaska.
Cancel the second airborne laser (ABL) prototype aircraft.
Terminate the Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) program.
Cancel the vehicle component of the Army's Future Combat Systems (FCS) program.
Reduce the number of support service contractors from our current 39% to 26% and replace them with as many as 30,000 full-time government employees.
5. Democrats Delay Release of Report Showing Success of DC Voucher Program Until After Senate Can Vote to Kill It
Never mind the children.
On Tuesday, March 10, the U.S. Senate voted to terminate the experimental Washington, DC school voucher program, which had been implemented in order to help provide poor minority children in failing DC schools with the same educational opportunities that so many children of Senators, Congressmen, and Presidents within the district have as a result of their advantageous birth.
During his Presidential campaign, President Obama indicated that he would put his personal opposition to vouchers aside "if he saw more proof that vouchers are successful." I would "not allow my predispositions to stand in the way of making sure that our kids can learn," he told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel in February 2008. "You do what works for the kids."
ow, it appears that the Obama administration and the U.S. Senate purposely kept the results of a Congressionally-mandated study showing the benefits of the Washington, DC voucher program from becoming public until after they had managed to spike the program due to its supposed "lack of effectiveness." (The executive summary is available here; the full report can be seen here.)
The result of the Obama administration delaying the release of this report, which showed that participants in the voucher program outperformed those in the district's public schools by a large margin on reading tests, is that the 1,700 low-income, minority children who are currently receiving up to $7,500 in vouchers per year to attend private school instead of their own failing DC public schools, will be forced to return to those publics after the 2009-10 school year, over the wishes of DC mayor Adrian Fenty, who said "it would not be productive to disrupt the education of children who are presently enrolled in private schools," and despite empirical evidence that such a move will consign them to a lower-quality education and a far less optimistic future.
6. Rebuilding the Movement: Online Investment
At some point, competition must yield to collaboration.
Every day in Washington, there is some right-wing group somewhere bemoaning the efforts of the right online. Sadly, for them and the rest of the right, their first thought is "let's do it ourselves", instead of "let's invest in the existing talent."
It's often bemoaned on our side that the left is much further ahead online than the right. This is true. The left has larger blogs than the right, though I still think the right has many more sites than the left. The left has a great online investigative journalism wing that gets picked up by the mainstream media. And the left has a stable of full time bloggers than is not matched on the right. I am a very rare breed on our side.
One area where the left has done a much better job than the right online is investing in blogs as a component of left-wing activism.
On the right, Heritage has its blog. Club for Growth has its blog. MRC has its blog. The GOP has its blog. The list goes on and on and on. When the right wants to get online, each organization does its own thing. That's just the way its done.
To be sure, on the left, there's a bit of the same thing going on, but then you've got groups like Media Matters that function more or less to subsidize left-wing bloggers. Oh sure, they say they are more important than that, but they aren't really.
More importantly, though, is the advertising component. What is the online advertising budget for Heritage? What about for AEI? What about for Americans for Tax Reform? Family Research Council? Leadership Institute? NFIB? NTU? National Right to Work? Club for Growth? The list goes on.
Every day in Washington, there is some right-wing group somewhere bemoaning the efforts of the right online. Sadly, for them and the rest of the right, their first thought is "let's do it ourselves", instead of "let's invest in the existing talent." Until the second becomes the first, the right will keep meeting in private to bemoan its (in)effectiveness online.
Meanwhile, the DailyKos has nine employees and a seven figure budget. Here at RedState, I have a volunteer list of two dozen contributors with full time jobs, me, and no budget.
Sincerely yours,
Erick Erickson Editor,
Sign up to get the morning briefing by email here.
1. NYTimes: Obama's Economic Ideas Great... Just Like Hitler's Were?
The New York Times' says Obama and Hitler have GREAT economic plans. So what about that whole Holocaust thing?
For The New York Times economic scene section for March 31, David Leonhardt came across with one of the most amazing admissions about Obama that I've ever seen in the Times. Namely that Barack Obama is just like Hitler. Now, many of you may be solemnly shaking your head in agreement, but in so doing you would be missing why the Times was comparing Obama to Hitler. You see, Leonhardt didn't mean it as an insult. He was saying that it was a good thing that Barack was being like Hitler at least in an economic sense.
Here Leonhardt is taking the trains-on-time track with his Hitler angle by saying that, despite that whole Holocaust and World War II business, Hitler's policies were good for Germany. So good, in fact, that he celebrates the ways he sees that Obama is emulating the mustachioed mad-man's economic prescriptions with the massive takeover of the economy and bloated government spending on "stimulus."
You know the left has lost it when they are invoking the "success" of Hitler to prop up The One!
2. Another Homework Deficiency - Russia Sees Obama's Nuclear-Free Offer As.... A Threat
Homework? Too cool for school....
I don't know about you, but for my entire life whenever I've heard someone prattle about "a world without nuclear weapons," I roll my eyes for at least two reasons. One is the naivete; the other is the practical notion that in such a world, one "kook-with-nuke" would be king.
But it turns out that in Moscow, the Russian leadership sees the Obama offer as something else - yet another move in the game of trying to rein in Russian influence in the world.
In other words, the Kremlin sees this plan as a threat.
3. Levi Johnson Jumps On the Sarah Palin Gravy Train
Anyone else want to make some money off Sarah Palin?
This is Levi Johnson appearing on the Tyra Banks show. He's a clean cut, pretty type. That is, though, a carefully constructed image - constructed by the Palins and McCains as the Presidential campaign unfolded with the news of Bristol Palin's pregnancy.
The real Levi Johnson is something altogether different. The left, when it decided Bristol Palin was fair game, went after Levi Johnson for being a thug and redneck. He was not interested in college - only in scoring with the Governor's daughter. The classic tale of the high school jock who is, in essence, a low life loser in it for a good time. The left and media regaled the rest of us with tales of what a loser the Palin kid slept with.
The left was right. Now, though, they can't be bothered by it. Below is the actual Levi - no preppy clothes. No polish. Just good old boy who knocked up the Governor's daughter. Not exactly the image Tyra Banks and he would like you to think about.
4. Obama Administration defense cuts
He's cutting technologies that will keep us competitive against growing threats from China and Russia
Defense Secretary Robert Gates revealed the Obama Administration's restructuring of the Pentagon's top weapons priorities.
There was a lot of information thrown out in the Gates press briefing, but the biggest talking points are likely to be the cuts:
Stop the growth of Army Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) at 45 versus 48
Retire 250 of the oldest Air Force tactical fighter aircraft in FY10.
End production of the F-22 fighter at 187.
Not pursue a development program for a follow-on Air Force bomber until we have a better understanding of the need, the requirement, and the technology.
Reduce the Navy's carrier force to 10 carriers after 2040.
Delay the CG-X next generation cruiser program.
Delay amphibious ship and sea-basing programs.
End the DDG-1000 destroyer program with the third ship.
"Complete" production of the C-17 airlifter program this fiscal year with the 205 already in the force and currently in production.
Terminate the VH-71 presidential helicopter program.
Terminate the Air Force Combat Search and Rescue X (CSAR-X) helicopter program.
Terminate the $26 billion Transformational Satellite (TSAT) program.
Cancel the planned increase the number of current ground-based interceptors in Alaska.
Cancel the second airborne laser (ABL) prototype aircraft.
Terminate the Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) program.
Cancel the vehicle component of the Army's Future Combat Systems (FCS) program.
Reduce the number of support service contractors from our current 39% to 26% and replace them with as many as 30,000 full-time government employees.
5. Democrats Delay Release of Report Showing Success of DC Voucher Program Until After Senate Can Vote to Kill It
Never mind the children.
On Tuesday, March 10, the U.S. Senate voted to terminate the experimental Washington, DC school voucher program, which had been implemented in order to help provide poor minority children in failing DC schools with the same educational opportunities that so many children of Senators, Congressmen, and Presidents within the district have as a result of their advantageous birth.
During his Presidential campaign, President Obama indicated that he would put his personal opposition to vouchers aside "if he saw more proof that vouchers are successful." I would "not allow my predispositions to stand in the way of making sure that our kids can learn," he told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel in February 2008. "You do what works for the kids."
ow, it appears that the Obama administration and the U.S. Senate purposely kept the results of a Congressionally-mandated study showing the benefits of the Washington, DC voucher program from becoming public until after they had managed to spike the program due to its supposed "lack of effectiveness." (The executive summary is available here; the full report can be seen here.)
The result of the Obama administration delaying the release of this report, which showed that participants in the voucher program outperformed those in the district's public schools by a large margin on reading tests, is that the 1,700 low-income, minority children who are currently receiving up to $7,500 in vouchers per year to attend private school instead of their own failing DC public schools, will be forced to return to those publics after the 2009-10 school year, over the wishes of DC mayor Adrian Fenty, who said "it would not be productive to disrupt the education of children who are presently enrolled in private schools," and despite empirical evidence that such a move will consign them to a lower-quality education and a far less optimistic future.
6. Rebuilding the Movement: Online Investment
At some point, competition must yield to collaboration.
Every day in Washington, there is some right-wing group somewhere bemoaning the efforts of the right online. Sadly, for them and the rest of the right, their first thought is "let's do it ourselves", instead of "let's invest in the existing talent."
It's often bemoaned on our side that the left is much further ahead online than the right. This is true. The left has larger blogs than the right, though I still think the right has many more sites than the left. The left has a great online investigative journalism wing that gets picked up by the mainstream media. And the left has a stable of full time bloggers than is not matched on the right. I am a very rare breed on our side.
One area where the left has done a much better job than the right online is investing in blogs as a component of left-wing activism.
On the right, Heritage has its blog. Club for Growth has its blog. MRC has its blog. The GOP has its blog. The list goes on and on and on. When the right wants to get online, each organization does its own thing. That's just the way its done.
To be sure, on the left, there's a bit of the same thing going on, but then you've got groups like Media Matters that function more or less to subsidize left-wing bloggers. Oh sure, they say they are more important than that, but they aren't really.
More importantly, though, is the advertising component. What is the online advertising budget for Heritage? What about for AEI? What about for Americans for Tax Reform? Family Research Council? Leadership Institute? NFIB? NTU? National Right to Work? Club for Growth? The list goes on.
Every day in Washington, there is some right-wing group somewhere bemoaning the efforts of the right online. Sadly, for them and the rest of the right, their first thought is "let's do it ourselves", instead of "let's invest in the existing talent." Until the second becomes the first, the right will keep meeting in private to bemoan its (in)effectiveness online.
Meanwhile, the DailyKos has nine employees and a seven figure budget. Here at RedState, I have a volunteer list of two dozen contributors with full time jobs, me, and no budget.
Sincerely yours,
Erick Erickson Editor,
Latest Release from W.A.M.
Wake Up America Movement sends out "Tsunami Alerts" with information, talking points and usually a press release to their list about once a week (unless issue hits the burner and sizzles). If you'd like to receive the info, visit www.wam08.org and sign up for their free info.
One thing to note is that once you've signed up for releases, if you use the info and send an email to W.A.M., they note your blog on their site. Very nice reciprocal friend to have (plus they're fired up and working hard to fix and / or save our country).
Release for your use (in total, partial or use it to spur your own thoughts).
Mr. Obama Goes Abroad Again, International Skills Still Sorely Lacking
"Islam has shaped the world for the better, including in the United States." It must be true, because Barack Hussein Obama spoke those words in Turkey today, to a large Muslim audience over Al Jazerra TV. He also said that the "U.S. is not at war with Islam and will never be."
Jihadists will be so relieved to hear that. These statements were spoken the same day that Secretary Gates presented an austere military budget to Congress in the face of massive domestic expenditures to radically and rapidly provide new advantages to the "underprivileged."
MSNBC's commentator assured viewers that Obama's new view of the U.S. and its relationship to the Muslim world is being received with widespread approval and reflects the majority US view on this matter. Said commentator also pointed to Obama's great advantage in having "Muslim" relatives. Evidently, no one has explained to this pseudo-journalist that to have Muslims in your family is like being "a little bit Jewish" - which is, itself, like being a "little bit pregnant" - ie, these modifiers all describe a condition that does not exist. If you are pregnant, Jewish or Muslim, you simple are. Period. Isn't it odd that the same Presidential candidate who attacked any opponent for falsely claiming he is Muslim - or even referring to his own middle name, Hussein - now wears his affinity for the Muslim world on his sleeve for all the world to see?
That Obama indeed has a Muslim heritage is long an established fact. However, his inability to accurately assess overseas reactions to his public presentations could be a danger to us all. Witness his full depth body bow and kiss on the hand of Saudi Arabian leader below. It doesn't take a body-language expert to read those gestures. When combined with the language of his televised speech above- and insipid overlooking of North Korea's aggression toward our Japanese allies, an undeniable signal is being sent - and it is not one of strength or leadership.
Link to video of 2 Bows here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr6SiXRm6po
Also today, North Korea's of a missile over Japan was responded to with harsh words by Obama - but little else to back them up. As a North Korea expert on Lou Dobbs tonight pointed out, the tepid US reaction to North Korea's flagrant UN violations is perceived by their Communist government - and the leadership of their ally, China, as further signs of U.S. weakness.
While closer to home, it was announced today that, within 10 days, travel visas to Cuba will relax considerably. Bear in mind this is the same Cuba that is currently making plans for weaponry support off its coast by China, treacherously close to Florida's shoreline. Simultaneously Cuba's new Castro works closely with Chavez, who has been making plans for his dictator led country to receive similar support - off the Venezuelan coast - by none other than Russia.
It's now glaringly apparent, however unfortunate, that Joe Biden got it right in his puzzling, controversial pre-election statement. He stated that within 6 months of an Obama administration a danger to the U.S. would be posed from abroad and Americans would not be pleased with Obama's response. Lest any forget, mark his words and this post. An unconscious U.S. is now being surrounded with building military maneuvers by adversaries at the same time Obama- whether due to lack of judgment or lack of interest - signals these same adversaries that the U.S. is now humble, apologetic and ready to defer to their interests. . . . so countdown is 3 months down and less than 3 more to go.
Just days earlier, Obama assured the G20 - which offered no compliance of its own with his requests - that the US will comply with their demands for international controls to be placed on U.S. banks and related industries. This didn't seem to concern him either. Could be he was still basking in the glow of the UK Queen's gracious receipt of an ipod, loaded in advance with videos of his speeches, in case she missed some of them. Curtsy due same Queen for her finesse in restoring her equilibrium and grace after being unexpectedly manhandled by Mrs. Obama. Faux pas in Britain, apologias elsewhere and full bows to Islam.... and Main Stream Media wags on commending how Obama is recovering a US image tainted by an inept, distant Bush. There must be some humor in this . . . at least for a few more months to the countdown on our sovereignty, economic prosperity and national security.
We can only suppose that Congress and MSNBC will appear to be appropriately surprised!
One thing to note is that once you've signed up for releases, if you use the info and send an email to W.A.M., they note your blog on their site. Very nice reciprocal friend to have (plus they're fired up and working hard to fix and / or save our country).
Release for your use (in total, partial or use it to spur your own thoughts).
Mr. Obama Goes Abroad Again, International Skills Still Sorely Lacking
"Islam has shaped the world for the better, including in the United States." It must be true, because Barack Hussein Obama spoke those words in Turkey today, to a large Muslim audience over Al Jazerra TV. He also said that the "U.S. is not at war with Islam and will never be."
Jihadists will be so relieved to hear that. These statements were spoken the same day that Secretary Gates presented an austere military budget to Congress in the face of massive domestic expenditures to radically and rapidly provide new advantages to the "underprivileged."
MSNBC's commentator assured viewers that Obama's new view of the U.S. and its relationship to the Muslim world is being received with widespread approval and reflects the majority US view on this matter. Said commentator also pointed to Obama's great advantage in having "Muslim" relatives. Evidently, no one has explained to this pseudo-journalist that to have Muslims in your family is like being "a little bit Jewish" - which is, itself, like being a "little bit pregnant" - ie, these modifiers all describe a condition that does not exist. If you are pregnant, Jewish or Muslim, you simple are. Period. Isn't it odd that the same Presidential candidate who attacked any opponent for falsely claiming he is Muslim - or even referring to his own middle name, Hussein - now wears his affinity for the Muslim world on his sleeve for all the world to see?
That Obama indeed has a Muslim heritage is long an established fact. However, his inability to accurately assess overseas reactions to his public presentations could be a danger to us all. Witness his full depth body bow and kiss on the hand of Saudi Arabian leader below. It doesn't take a body-language expert to read those gestures. When combined with the language of his televised speech above- and insipid overlooking of North Korea's aggression toward our Japanese allies, an undeniable signal is being sent - and it is not one of strength or leadership.
Link to video of 2 Bows here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr6SiXRm6po
Also today, North Korea's of a missile over Japan was responded to with harsh words by Obama - but little else to back them up. As a North Korea expert on Lou Dobbs tonight pointed out, the tepid US reaction to North Korea's flagrant UN violations is perceived by their Communist government - and the leadership of their ally, China, as further signs of U.S. weakness.
While closer to home, it was announced today that, within 10 days, travel visas to Cuba will relax considerably. Bear in mind this is the same Cuba that is currently making plans for weaponry support off its coast by China, treacherously close to Florida's shoreline. Simultaneously Cuba's new Castro works closely with Chavez, who has been making plans for his dictator led country to receive similar support - off the Venezuelan coast - by none other than Russia.
It's now glaringly apparent, however unfortunate, that Joe Biden got it right in his puzzling, controversial pre-election statement. He stated that within 6 months of an Obama administration a danger to the U.S. would be posed from abroad and Americans would not be pleased with Obama's response. Lest any forget, mark his words and this post. An unconscious U.S. is now being surrounded with building military maneuvers by adversaries at the same time Obama- whether due to lack of judgment or lack of interest - signals these same adversaries that the U.S. is now humble, apologetic and ready to defer to their interests. . . . so countdown is 3 months down and less than 3 more to go.
Just days earlier, Obama assured the G20 - which offered no compliance of its own with his requests - that the US will comply with their demands for international controls to be placed on U.S. banks and related industries. This didn't seem to concern him either. Could be he was still basking in the glow of the UK Queen's gracious receipt of an ipod, loaded in advance with videos of his speeches, in case she missed some of them. Curtsy due same Queen for her finesse in restoring her equilibrium and grace after being unexpectedly manhandled by Mrs. Obama. Faux pas in Britain, apologias elsewhere and full bows to Islam.... and Main Stream Media wags on commending how Obama is recovering a US image tainted by an inept, distant Bush. There must be some humor in this . . . at least for a few more months to the countdown on our sovereignty, economic prosperity and national security.
We can only suppose that Congress and MSNBC will appear to be appropriately surprised!
Monday, April 6, 2009
New Conservative Network: Completely Conservative

We receive a lot of requests from conservatives wanting to join the Read My Lipstick Network who don't write about politics. They write about health, faith, being a mom, home schooling, daily life and other subjects, all from a conservative viewpoint.
To be a member of the Read My Lipstick Network blog content must be at least 90% political. We have to turn away some great conservatives simply because they may keep up with politics, they may vote the right way and live the conservative life, but they have blogs that only contain a smattering of political talk, if any.
So, after batting it around for a while, we've decided to start up another, an additional, as separate, conservative network called "Completely Conservative".
We are NOT doing away with the Read My Lipstick Network and it will remain our main focus.
Completely Conservative will include political blogs, but it will also include blogs about various aspects of life written BY conservatives. Life from a conservative point of view if you will.
We're setting up the blogroll and have a logo already, plus we have a blog (completely empty at the moment, http://completelyconservative.blogspot.com ;-)
If you are a member of the Read My Lipstick Network and would like to join Completely Conservative, please send an email to readmylipstick at live dot com. We'll zap you the info on the blogroll and / or logo location so you can add it to your blogs. We know you're all conservatives, so you're automatically approved.
To be a member of the Read My Lipstick Network blog content must be at least 90% political. We have to turn away some great conservatives simply because they may keep up with politics, they may vote the right way and live the conservative life, but they have blogs that only contain a smattering of political talk, if any.
So, after batting it around for a while, we've decided to start up another, an additional, as separate, conservative network called "Completely Conservative".
We are NOT doing away with the Read My Lipstick Network and it will remain our main focus.
Completely Conservative will include political blogs, but it will also include blogs about various aspects of life written BY conservatives. Life from a conservative point of view if you will.
We're setting up the blogroll and have a logo already, plus we have a blog (completely empty at the moment, http://completelyconservative.blogspot.com ;-)
If you are a member of the Read My Lipstick Network and would like to join Completely Conservative, please send an email to readmylipstick at live dot com. We'll zap you the info on the blogroll and / or logo location so you can add it to your blogs. We know you're all conservatives, so you're automatically approved
Newest Member: Republican Catholics
First, our newest member is... drum roll please...
Republican Catholics www.republicancatholics.blogspot.com
I learn something new every time I review a new member's blog... Today I found www.Palinit.com, a conservative search engine. I bet a lot of you already knew about it didn't you? I'm going to have to try it, play around with it a bit. I just sent an email to them, will see if I can get a logo link for everyone, find out a bit more about it.
Lots of interesting reading on our newest member's blog! Please be sure to visit and say "welcome". You'll figure out real quickly that Republican Catholics likes Sarah Palin quite a bit. She's going to have quite an army of bloggers when 2012 rolls around.
Republican Catholics www.republicancatholics.blogspot.com
I learn something new every time I review a new member's blog... Today I found www.Palinit.com, a conservative search engine. I bet a lot of you already knew about it didn't you? I'm going to have to try it, play around with it a bit. I just sent an email to them, will see if I can get a logo link for everyone, find out a bit more about it.
Lots of interesting reading on our newest member's blog! Please be sure to visit and say "welcome". You'll figure out real quickly that Republican Catholics likes Sarah Palin quite a bit. She's going to have quite an army of bloggers when 2012 rolls around.
Help Cover Sarah Palin's Legal Bills
On Thursday be sure to visit www.teamsarah.org/ and donate, donate, donate. They'll be announcing a legitimate fund to help cover at least a portion, hopefully all, of the ridiculous legal fees the Palin's have incurred for ludicrous lawsuits meant to do nothing but harass since she hit the spotlight. (yes, that is a run-on sentence -- and this one is made up of a phrase or two, incomplete sentence ;-)
Be careful, there are a few groups collecting on the Internet that are questionable. Rather than get involved in a possible scam or an unknown group supposedly collecting to help Sarah, I'd suggest you stick with Team Sarah UNLESS you know the group. For instance, I'm involved with "We Need Sarah"... I'll give through them because I know they're legit.
Team Sarah is going to be doing some advertising (or so I've been told). I'm hoping they'll have buttons for our blogs and websites so we can help to raise money.
Keep in mind that money given to SarahPAC cannot be used to defray legal costs. Also, Sarah is prohibited from asking for funds.
In case you didn't hear, Bill O'Reilly donated $1,000 to Sarah for the funds. Nice.
Be careful, there are a few groups collecting on the Internet that are questionable. Rather than get involved in a possible scam or an unknown group supposedly collecting to help Sarah, I'd suggest you stick with Team Sarah UNLESS you know the group. For instance, I'm involved with "We Need Sarah"... I'll give through them because I know they're legit.
Team Sarah is going to be doing some advertising (or so I've been told). I'm hoping they'll have buttons for our blogs and websites so we can help to raise money.
Keep in mind that money given to SarahPAC cannot be used to defray legal costs. Also, Sarah is prohibited from asking for funds.
In case you didn't hear, Bill O'Reilly donated $1,000 to Sarah for the funds. Nice.
Palin submits new name for Senate vacancy
Palin submits new name for Senate vacancy
Tim Grussendorf’s out as Gov. Sarah Palin's choice for the vacant state Senate seat. Gov. Palin just submitted the name of Joe Nelson as her new appointee.
Tim Grussendorf’s out as Gov. Sarah Palin's choice for the vacant state Senate seat. Gov. Palin just submitted the name of Joe Nelson as her new appointee.
AFP: Take Action! Tell your Senators to Stop Socialized Health Care
Take Action! (Americans for Prosperity)
We told you about efforts to jam a cap-and-trade energy tax through the Senate using reconciliation, a trick to avoid proper debate and the normal 60 vote requirement for important legislation, and you sprung into action, generating a flood of calls and emails to the Senate and IT WORKED. WE WON that fight and kept cap-and-trade out of reconciliation.
Last week, Sen. Johanns introduced a budget amendment to prohibit the use of reconciliation for cap-and-trade, and it passed on a solid 67-31 vote. Every Republican supported the amendment, as did 26 Democrats. Before the Johanns amendment passed, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid indicated he wanted to do both cap-and-trade and health care under reconciliation, saying that cap-and-trade revenues would be "exactly how much we need for the first phase of health care reform."
Unfortunately, THERE IS NO TIME TO CELEBRATE, because now Democrats are poised to pull the reconciliation trick for their plan to NATIONALIZE AND RATION HEALTH CARE.
There are a few senators that are going to be very influential in this fight. If you know anyone in the following states please forward this email to them: Arkansas, Indiana, Montana, Nevada and North Dakota. We need your help to get the word out!
While the Senate passed a budget resolution without reconciliation language, the House budget specifically includes a section authorizing the use of reconciliation for a national health care plan. This is despite the fact that reconciliation is only relevant in the Senate, where it can short-circuit debate and pass legislation with only 50 votes instead of the regular 60.
This is a TRICK to let Senate Democrats claim they passed a budget without reconciliation, only to have it slipped back in during conference committee, when the House and Senate budgets are combined.
Please click here to send a message to your senator OPPOSING HEALTH CARE RECONCILIATION.
The dean of the Senate, Sen. Robert C. Byrd, Democrat from West Virginia, has made it crystal clear that this is not what reconciliation is for, saying, "I was one of the authors of the legislation that created the budget 'reconciliation' process in 1974, and I am certain that putting health-care reform and climate change legislation on a freight train through Congress is an outrage that must be resisted."
The stakes are enormous. Two big steps toward government-run health care are already in place with the national health information database and the comparative effectiveness research that were hidden in the stimulus plan. We are now only a few steps away from establishing a national health board that will RATION CARE based on the results of comparative effectiveness research, and a coverage mandate designed to, over time, shift more and more people into a government-run and government-controlled health care plan.
Moving health care nationalization through reconciliation will SILENCE moderate Democrats and Republicans and produce the most aggressive, big-government health care plan possible. Any government plan to restructure one sixth of our economy deserves to be debated fully under the regular rules of the Senate.
Please click here to send a message to your senator OPPOSING HEALTH CARE RECONCILIATION.
We told you about efforts to jam a cap-and-trade energy tax through the Senate using reconciliation, a trick to avoid proper debate and the normal 60 vote requirement for important legislation, and you sprung into action, generating a flood of calls and emails to the Senate and IT WORKED. WE WON that fight and kept cap-and-trade out of reconciliation.
Last week, Sen. Johanns introduced a budget amendment to prohibit the use of reconciliation for cap-and-trade, and it passed on a solid 67-31 vote. Every Republican supported the amendment, as did 26 Democrats. Before the Johanns amendment passed, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid indicated he wanted to do both cap-and-trade and health care under reconciliation, saying that cap-and-trade revenues would be "exactly how much we need for the first phase of health care reform."
Unfortunately, THERE IS NO TIME TO CELEBRATE, because now Democrats are poised to pull the reconciliation trick for their plan to NATIONALIZE AND RATION HEALTH CARE.
There are a few senators that are going to be very influential in this fight. If you know anyone in the following states please forward this email to them: Arkansas, Indiana, Montana, Nevada and North Dakota. We need your help to get the word out!
While the Senate passed a budget resolution without reconciliation language, the House budget specifically includes a section authorizing the use of reconciliation for a national health care plan. This is despite the fact that reconciliation is only relevant in the Senate, where it can short-circuit debate and pass legislation with only 50 votes instead of the regular 60.
This is a TRICK to let Senate Democrats claim they passed a budget without reconciliation, only to have it slipped back in during conference committee, when the House and Senate budgets are combined.
Please click here to send a message to your senator OPPOSING HEALTH CARE RECONCILIATION.
The dean of the Senate, Sen. Robert C. Byrd, Democrat from West Virginia, has made it crystal clear that this is not what reconciliation is for, saying, "I was one of the authors of the legislation that created the budget 'reconciliation' process in 1974, and I am certain that putting health-care reform and climate change legislation on a freight train through Congress is an outrage that must be resisted."
The stakes are enormous. Two big steps toward government-run health care are already in place with the national health information database and the comparative effectiveness research that were hidden in the stimulus plan. We are now only a few steps away from establishing a national health board that will RATION CARE based on the results of comparative effectiveness research, and a coverage mandate designed to, over time, shift more and more people into a government-run and government-controlled health care plan.
Moving health care nationalization through reconciliation will SILENCE moderate Democrats and Republicans and produce the most aggressive, big-government health care plan possible. Any government plan to restructure one sixth of our economy deserves to be debated fully under the regular rules of the Senate.
Please click here to send a message to your senator OPPOSING HEALTH CARE RECONCILIATION.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Sarah Palin Poll on Why Mommy is a Republican
Why Mommy is a Republican is conducting a poll on views about Governor Sarah Palin. The poll is open to all. Please take a few moments to let us know what you think of Governor Palin. Pass it on to others, too! Visit the poll at this link.
FreedomWorks: City of Burleson Tries to Cancel Tea Party
BREAKING NEWS: The City of Burleson, Texas is trying to shut down a Tax Day Tea Party planned for April 15th!!
According to local organizers, unelected “street supervisor” Ray Gonzales, informed them that he was going to prevent the event from happening.
Mr. Gonzales told organizers that he is on a special events staff, which is under the city manager’s office in Burleson. Gonzales explained to one local organizer that the special events staff had decided this protest was “not in the public interest.” He is telling organizers that David Wynn, the city manager, is his boss, and could overturn this decision. For the record, the city manager’s office told local organizers that they do not need a permit to demonstrate in Burleson, and they are not saying that the organizers need one now.
I will post an update as soon as I get one from the local organizers, but I have been told that Mr. Gonzales is trying to get the Texas Department of Transportation to stop the tea party from happening.
Those who cherish liberty must stand with our friends in Burleson, Texas, and demand that the local government immediately drop all attempts to cancel the Burleson Tea Party.
Call and email them now!!!
Burleson Mayor Kenneth Shettermayor@burlesontx.com
Burleson City Manager David Wynnkmearns@burlesontx.com (817) 447-5400 x 234
Burleson City Councilcitycouncil@burlesontx.com
I can tell you that the people will show up anyway, but we need to send a message to the city of Burleson, just like we did in Cape Coral, Florida.
Burleson Tea Party
April 15, 20093:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Across the street from Wal-Mart951 SW Wilshire Blvd.
Burleson, Texas 76028 (burlesonteaparty@gmail.com)
By Brendan Steinhauser on Apr 02, 2009
According to local organizers, unelected “street supervisor” Ray Gonzales, informed them that he was going to prevent the event from happening.
Mr. Gonzales told organizers that he is on a special events staff, which is under the city manager’s office in Burleson. Gonzales explained to one local organizer that the special events staff had decided this protest was “not in the public interest.” He is telling organizers that David Wynn, the city manager, is his boss, and could overturn this decision. For the record, the city manager’s office told local organizers that they do not need a permit to demonstrate in Burleson, and they are not saying that the organizers need one now.
I will post an update as soon as I get one from the local organizers, but I have been told that Mr. Gonzales is trying to get the Texas Department of Transportation to stop the tea party from happening.
Those who cherish liberty must stand with our friends in Burleson, Texas, and demand that the local government immediately drop all attempts to cancel the Burleson Tea Party.
Call and email them now!!!
Burleson Mayor Kenneth Shettermayor@burlesontx.com
Burleson City Manager David Wynnkmearns@burlesontx.com (817) 447-5400 x 234
Burleson City Councilcitycouncil@burlesontx.com
I can tell you that the people will show up anyway, but we need to send a message to the city of Burleson, just like we did in Cape Coral, Florida.
Burleson Tea Party
April 15, 20093:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Across the street from Wal-Mart951 SW Wilshire Blvd.
Burleson, Texas 76028 (burlesonteaparty@gmail.com)
By Brendan Steinhauser on Apr 02, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
NY Jim Tedisco Race Update
This is going to be a squeaker and I can see it potentially ending up in the courts for a final verdict. I had hoped Tedisco would pull it out with a clear victory, but it was so close last night that they're now counting absentee ballots and will have to wait for military and federal employee ballots, which have a receipt deadline of April 13th.
We're looking at possibly two more weeks of indecision. There are roughly 6000 absentee ballots in hand thus far, but more could come in before the domestic deadline of April 7th.
As I type Murphy is ahead by 65 votes.
"Not counting the absentee ballots and such, we have Scott Murphy with 77,344 votes and Jim Tedisco at 77,279, with all counties reporting," said Donna Mullahey at the New York State Board of Elections.
US congressional contest too close to call
A Congressional by-election seen as an early popularity test for President Barack Obama's economic measures was too close to call Wednesday.
In a race this close, what's next?
The polls have closed and the votes have been counted, and it's a virtual dead heat in the 20th Congressional race. So what happens now to determine the winner in this special election?
Congressional Race in N.Y. is Too Close to Call
Absentee ballots will decide the outcome.
We're looking at possibly two more weeks of indecision. There are roughly 6000 absentee ballots in hand thus far, but more could come in before the domestic deadline of April 7th.
As I type Murphy is ahead by 65 votes.
"Not counting the absentee ballots and such, we have Scott Murphy with 77,344 votes and Jim Tedisco at 77,279, with all counties reporting," said Donna Mullahey at the New York State Board of Elections.
US congressional contest too close to call
A Congressional by-election seen as an early popularity test for President Barack Obama's economic measures was too close to call Wednesday.
In a race this close, what's next?
The polls have closed and the votes have been counted, and it's a virtual dead heat in the 20th Congressional race. So what happens now to determine the winner in this special election?
Congressional Race in N.Y. is Too Close to Call
Absentee ballots will decide the outcome.
Sarah Palin Update
Sarah Palin out, Newt Gingrich in: Republicans get ready to rumble: Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will not be keynote .. http://tr.im/i69N
Sarah Palin out, Newt Gingrich in: Republicans get ready to rumble: Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will not be keynote .. http://tr.im/i69N
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