
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Race tightening again in Nevada... let's help Sharron Angle win this one!!!

Reid Holds Small Lead in Nevada

A new Public Policy Polling survey in Nevada shows Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) edges challenger Sharron Angle (R) in the U.S. Senate race, 48% to 46%.

Key finding: "Reid continues to have upside down approval numbers, but they've improved over the last six months. 44% of voters in the state like the job he's doing while 53% disapprove. That's a good deal better than earlier in the year when his approval was only 36% and 58% gave him bad marks. Since then Democratic voters have really rallied back around Reid and independents have softened in their feelings toward him as well. Reid's approval spread within his party is 80/14, compared to 67/27 over the winter. With independents he's still pretty unpopular at 38/60 but that's much improved from the prior standing of 24/68. Certainly the Republicans nominating Angle is the biggest reason this race is competitive again, but Reid's personal resurgence shouldn't be overlooked either."

My note: The above from left leaning Political Wire (.com). I'm not posting all the stuff I'm getting from the two big groups supporting Angle as they're mostly asking for money. I'm "assuming" you're already on those lists if you're interested in helping defeat Harry Reid. If you're not, check out the tea party express and I'll have to give you the name of the other one later as it's slipped my mind. It's something like "stop Harry Reid".

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