
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chambliss: It is Clear that Deals Have Been Cut to Get 60 Votes on this Bill

U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., today on the Senate floor, spoke out against the latest version of the health care bill, which now includes 2,733 pages and costs $2.5 trillion.

At 1:00 a.m., the Senate is expected to vote to cut off debate on Reid's manager’s amendment to the health care legislation. Chambliss will vote against the motion to end debate.

“Federal taxes will increase by almost $26 billion under the manager’s package,” said Chambliss. “Still, under the Reid amendment, there will be 23 million Americans left uninsured. That’s not what we've heard from day one from the folks on the other side of the aisle about making sure that every single American was covered.”

Chambliss also voiced opposition to the creation of a new entitlement program on the backs of current Medicare recipients, the Community Living and Assistance Services and Supports Act, or CLASS Act, as proposed in this bill. The Congressional Budget Office has said that the CLASS Act will actually end up increasing budget deficits.

“The CLASS Act is a new Medicare – a new health care entitlement program that has been included in this bill. The Congressional Budget Office recognizes that when these benefits start paying out, this is going to blow the budget. How anyone can say with a straight face that we are going to reduce the deficit by passing this legislation is beyond me.”

Chambliss also addresses the abortion language included in the bill.

“I’m pro-life and very proud to have a strong voting record opposing abortion. The law of the land for well over 30 years has stated that no federal funds should be used to fund abortions. We should not compromise on the sanctity of life.”

In closing, Chambliss blasted the deals that have been cut with senators to win their vote for the bill.

“We've reached a new day in this body. There have been deals cut behind closed doors that are going to provide benefits for individual senators and their states, whether it's Vermont, Nebraska, or Florida. That's going to require those of us who didn't have the opportunity to participate in discussions and negotiations on this bill to represent citizens who are going to have to pay more for services that select states are going to receive. There’s nothing right about that.”

1 comment:

Ramblinwreck said...

What isn't fair is something he has never mentioned on any bill he's voted on. It's unconstitutional. None of the people on either side in the Senate have any respect for the Constitution because when the power swings back their way he wants to do the same thing Democrats are doing.