
Monday, February 9, 2009

NFRW - Stop the Stimulus

Senate Scheduled to Continue Consideration of the 'Economic Stimulus Bill'
Your Action is Needed Now!


This week, the Senate is scheduled to continue considering the economic stimulus bill, H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

The Senate will convene this afternoon, at 1:00pm and resume consideration of the Stimulus Bill. The debate time will be equally divided, until 5:30pm, and the Senate will then proceed to a Roll Call Vote on the Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Collins/Nelson amendment.

If cloture is invoked, the post-cloture time will run until 12:00pm on Tuesday.

At 12:00pm on Tuesday, the bill will be subject to another 60 vote hurdle by either waiving a budget point of order (if it is raised) or a 60 vote threshold on the amendment. If the amendment is agreed to, the Senate will then proceed to final passage of the Stimulus Bill.

Do not let this bill be passed. There is still time. There are three Republican Senators said to be voting with the Democrats.

Call Senators Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and Arlen Specter and tell them to vote with their party-the Republican Party.

Senator Snowe, 202-224-5344
Senator Collins, 202-224-2523
Senator Specter, 202-224-4254

From the National Federation of Republican Women

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